
Discover the Best Keyword Search Tools for Your Campaign

Hansjan Kamerling
Jul 2
keyword search - keyword search
Why Keyword Search Matters
Keyword search is a vital part of search engine optimization (SEO). It helps us find the terms that people use to look for information online. If you want quick answers, here are the primary benefits of keyword search:
  1. Identify Search Volume: Understand how often specific keywords are searched.
  2. Analyze Competition: Spot opportunities and challenges based on keyword competition.
  3. Target Long-Tail Keywords: Improve your chances of ranking with more specific keyword phrases.
Search engine optimization starts with understanding the language of your audience. Keyword search lets you find the terms your potential customers are typing into Google or Bing. This gives you valuable insights that help tailor your website content to rank higher on search engines. Long-tail keywords—phrases with 2-5 words—are especially useful because they have lower competition but can deliver a high conversion rate.
I'm Hansjan Kamerling. With years of experience in AI startups and SEO, I've helped businesses from various fields find the best keywords to boost their online presence. Let's explore the top keyword search tools that will elevate your SEO game.
Infographic: Benefits of keyword search - Identify Search Volume, Analyze Competition, Target Long-Tail Keywords - keyword search infographic step-infographic-4-steps
1. Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that provides essential insights for any keyword search campaign. Accessible through a Google Ads account, it offers a range of features that make it a go-to resource for marketers and content creators.
Search Volume Estimates
One of the primary features of Google Keyword Planner is its ability to provide search volume estimates for various keywords. This data helps you understand how often specific terms are searched for on Google, giving you a clear picture of their popularity. For example, if you're considering targeting the keyword "organic skincare," the tool will show you how many times this term is searched each month. This information can guide your content strategy and help you focus on keywords that will drive the most traffic to your site.
Keyword Variations
Another powerful feature is the generation of keyword variations. When you input a primary keyword, Google Keyword Planner suggests additional related keywords. This can help you uncover new opportunities and expand your keyword list. For instance, if you start with "organic skincare," the tool might suggest variations like "natural skincare products" or "best organic face cream." These variations can help you capture a broader audience and improve your chances of ranking for multiple search terms.
Google Ads Account
To access Google Keyword Planner, you'll need a Google Ads account. While the tool itself is free, having an active Google Ads account allows you to make the most of its features. You don't need to run an active campaign or spend any money to use the planner. Simply create an account, navigate to the Tools menu, and select Keyword Planner to get started.
Using Google Keyword Planner can significantly enhance your keyword research efforts. By understanding search volumes and exploring keyword variations, you can create content that meets the needs of your target audience and improves your search engine rankings.
2. WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool
free tool, keyword suggestions, competition level, estimated CPC, industry-specific data
3. Keyword Scout by Jungle Scout
Amazon keywords, high-ranking keywords, search volumes, reverse search
4. Google Trends
Google Trends is a free tool that helps you understand keyword trends over time. This can be a game-changer for your content strategy, as it allows you to see how interest in specific keywords evolves.
Data Visualization
One of the standout features of Google Trends is its data visualization. The tool uses graphs to show how the popularity of a keyword changes over time. This visual representation makes it easy to spot trends, seasonal spikes, and declines.
Compare Keywords
Google Trends also allows you to compare keywords. You can enter multiple keywords and see how they stack up against each other. This is particularly useful for identifying which keywords are more popular in specific regions or during certain times of the year.
Example: If you sell Mother's Day products, you can compare related keywords to see when they start to gain traction. This helps you plan your content and marketing strategies around peak times.
Regional Interest
Another useful feature is the ability to see interest by region. This helps you understand where your audience is most interested in your keywords. You can tailor your content to target these regions more effectively.
Related Topics and Queries
Google Trends also shows related topics and search queries. This can give you ideas for additional content that your audience is interested in. By covering these related topics, you can attract more traffic to your site.
5. Bing Ads Keyword Planner
search volume data, performance estimates, keyword suggestions, Bing Ads account
Frequently Asked Questions about Keyword Search
How do I search for keywords?
Searching for keywords can be as simple as using the search function on your computer. For instance, you can use CTRL+F on Windows or ⌘ Command+F on Mac to quickly find specific words or phrases within a document or webpage.
However, for more comprehensive keyword research, using dedicated tools is essential. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool can help you discover high-volume, low-competition keywords that are relevant to your business.
How do I do a Google keyword search?
To perform a keyword search using Google, follow these steps:
  1. Open Google Ads: First, you'll need a Google Ads account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for free.
  1. Navigate to the Tools menu: Once logged in, go to the top menu and select the "Tools" option.
  1. Access Keyword Planner: Under the "Tools" menu, find and click on "Keyword Planner."
  1. Discover New Keywords: In the Keyword Planner, select the option to "Discover New Keywords." Here, you can enter words or phrases related to your business to find keyword ideas.
This tool will provide you with search volume estimates, keyword variations, and other valuable data to help you optimize your content.
Is Google keyword search free?
Yes, the Google Keyword Planner is a free tool, but you need a Google Ads account to access it. Although you don't need to create an active campaign or spend any money, having an account is a prerequisite for using the tool. Once set up, you can use the Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords, understand their search volumes, and get insights into competition levels—all without any cost.
Next, we'll wrap up by discussing how Adaptify's automated SEO services can make your keyword research even more efficient and effective.
Keyword research is essential for driving traffic to your website and boosting your online presence. However, it can be time-consuming and complex. That's where Adaptify comes in.
Adaptify offers automated SEO services that simplify the keyword research process. By leveraging AI-driven SEO, we help you find the best keywords for your campaigns quickly and accurately. Our platform collects the most trusted content and optimizes it for Google's E-E-A-T, ensuring high success rates.
With Adaptify, you can expect:
  • Efficiency: Save time with automated keyword research and content optimization.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: From smart inbound and outbound linking to optimized content, we've got you covered.
Ready to take your SEO to the next level? Discover how Adaptify can help you streamline your keyword research and boost your online visibility.
By integrating these tools and services, you can create a robust SEO strategy that converts browsers into buyers. Whether you're a business owner, online marketer, or content creator, effective keyword research is your key to success.
Hansjan Kamerling
Co-Founder of Adaptify, I specialize in SEO for marketing agencies through automation.
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