
Insights on Google's AI and Search Strategies & Adaptify’s Newest Updates

Bethany Freeman
Jul 23
We have been covering a lot of Google news recently, and we are back for another week of updates. Read on to learn about how Google is making waves with AI images, their updated approach to search, and more from their July SEO Office Hour video.
Adaptify Minute Mastery: Google’s July Office Hours & AI Image Content
AI Images: The New Star on Google
Google has recently begun featuring AI-generated images prominently in its knowledge panels, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. As highlighted by Seroundtable.com, these images are enhancing user experience by providing visually engaging and relevant content. The integration of AI images highlights a significant shift, showcasing Google's commitment to leveraging AI to improve search results and user satisfaction.
This development showcases not only Google’s continuing acceptance of the technology but also the increasing importance of AI in SEO and content strategies, making it crucial for businesses to stay updated and adapt accordingly.
Image Google AI Images
Google's Approach to Search: Insights from the Latest Video
Understanding Google's approach to search and its handling of technical issues is vital for staying ahead in SEO. In their July Office Hours, Google's team shared valuable insights into several key areas:
Rich Snippets Indexing: One of the critical points discussed was the disappearance of product-rich snippets. This issue can significantly impact your site's visibility in search results. The video provides guidance on how to address and resolve this problem to maintain your site's prominence.
Handling Word Confusion in SEO: Another important topic covered was the confusion caused by similar words or phrases and how this can affect your site's visibility. Google's experts offer practical advice on resolving these issues to ensure your content is accurately indexed and displayed.
Non-Search Features and GoogleOther Crawling: The video also delves into the role of GoogleOther crawling in supporting non-search features. Understanding what these features are and how they affect content indexing and display can give you a strategic advantage in optimizing your site for better search performance.
To dive deeper into these topics, you can watch the video or read the full transcript.
Image Robot Looking for Clue
Product Update: Technical SEO – Author Check
Over the last few weeks we have rolled out our Technical SEO tool for all customers and the feedback has been amazing. We are glad you are utilizing the tools and love hearing how easy it is to identify areas for improvement.
Missed the update? Here's a recap of the new Technical SEO Audit tool you can now find in your dashboard:
  • Issue Detection: Highlights important issues like missing blog pages.
  • Metadata Check: Lists all metadata issues.
  • Site Speed: Provides detailed site speed analysis and optimization tips.
  • Signs of Authority: Checks for authority indicators like services page, about page, testimonials, and social media links.
  • Broken Links: Identifies and reports broken links on your site.
This week, we are thrilled to announce an update to the Technical SEO tool specifically all about the most important stars of your blog - the authors. The Author Check for Blog Article Pages update has been launched as part of the ongoing improvements we are working on in response to the recent Google API leaks, and this addresses a critical aspect of SEO: author attribution.
Why it matters: Ensuring that blog articles have clearly identified authors can significantly impact your site's credibility and ranking. This feature checks for the presence of author metadata, helping you avoid potential SEO pitfalls and boost your content’s authority.
Our new Author Check feature is designed to enhance these capabilities, ensuring your blog posts meet all necessary SEO standards and improve your site's overall performance.
For more insights into the recent Google algorithm changes and how they might affect your SEO strategies, read the comprehensive analysis on Medium: The Great Google Leak of 2024.
Keep those thoughts and feedback on the new Technical SEO tool coming, we are eager to make sure that these changes have a positive impact on your Adaptify experience.
Ready to try us out and see what a difference Adaptify can make for your client’s SEO? Check us out at Adaptify.ai for more information and book a demo today!
Bethany Freeman
Customer Success Manager at Adaptify SEO
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